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Programming Security Surveillance Systems

(22 Classements )
Langue :  English
Security Systems Programming is one of the major concerns in today’s tech world. Read this eBook to learn to develop security systems and surveillance monitoring.
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This book is aimed at teaching software engineers how to program surveillance systems and IP camera based solutions. It will deliver coverage of an advanced topic in engineering surveillance systems and advanced byte-level programming concepts in image processing techniques.

  1. Introduction To Java As A Programming Language
  2. Introduction to PHP as a Programming Language
  3. Introduction to C# as a programming language
  4. Working with web requests in Java
  5. Working with Web Requests in PHP
  6. Working with Web Requests in C#
  7. Creating a User Interface as a Web Layout in PHP, HTML5, CSS3 and JS Backbone MVC Framework
  8. Introduction to Bytes in Programming and Getting to Know Bytes
  9. Creating a User Interface as a Web Layout in MVC and SignalR
  10. Controlling the User Interface to Pause, Rewind and Play the Video Display in Java from an IP Camera over RTSP
  11. Creating a custom motion detection sensor
A propos de l'auteur

Mostafa Abd-ElHamid Atwa