Livre électronique professionnel

Profit From Six Sigma

A Guide to Principles and Practice for Business Benefit

(18 Classements )
Langue :  English
Six Sigma has become perhaps the defining management initiative of the past 10 years, and many books and papers describe the basic approach and the associated tools.
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Six Sigma has become perhaps the defining management initiative of the past 10 years, and many books and papers describe the basic approach and the associated tools. This book picks up where they end with a clear view of the most effective way to implement both individual projects, and an overall Six Sigma initiative.

This text focuses on the softer aspects, which have been shown by extensive research to be the most likely causes of failure at both initiative and project level, to develop an approach to profiting from a sustainable Six Sigma implementation.

Graeme Knowles is an experienced improvement teacher, practitioner and consultant as well as a Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Contact details:

Six Sigma is one of the most important and popular developments in the quality field. It has saved huge amounts of money and improved the customer experience for a large number of organizations across the world. However, it is applied in an inconsistent and often reductive fashion in many companies, leading to confusion, criticism, and a number of abandoned implementations. This book aims to give a coherent view of the underlying principles and practical applications as well as debunking some of the myths and disinformation which surrounded Six Sigma.

The book draws on examples and experience in application to provide a robust guide to the implementation of Six Sigma, from strategic issues to practical project approaches. More detail is available in the textbook version of this book, also available on

  1. Introduction
    1. Definition of Six Sigma
    2. Background and History
    3. Summary
  2. Why Six Sigma?
    1. Introduction
    2. To Improve Financial Performance and Profitability
    3. To be Responsive to, and Focused on, Customers
    4. To Improve Product and Service Performance
    5. Contributing to Organizational Learning
    6. Summary
  3. Six Sigma: Key Concepts
    1. A Strategic Approach
    2. Customer Focus
    3. Scientific Investigation and The Define Measure Analayse Improve Control (DMAIC) Cycle
    4. Variation
    5. People and Learning
  4. Variation Reduction: The Heart of Six Sigma
    1. Introduction
    2. Special and Common Cause Variation
    3. Shewhart Charts and Process Control
    4. Process Capability
    5. Juran’s Quality Trilogy
  5. Stage Zero: Pre-Six Sigma Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. Basic #: Have a Clear and Communicated Strategy
    3. Basic #: Become Process Focused
    4. Basic #: Understand and Practice Customer Focus
    5. Summary
  6. Sustainable Six Sigma Deployment
    1. Deployment Principle #: Remember Why You are Doing This
    2. Deployment Principle #: Maintain a Learning Focus
    3. Deployment Principle #: Think Systemically
    4. Deployment Principle #: It’s About People
    5. Deployment Model: Kotter
    6. Steps to : Envisioning the Transformation
    7. Steps to : Enacting the Transformation
    8. Step : Institutionalise the New System
  7. DMAIC Projects: Practical Details
    1. Introduction
    2. The Define Stage
    3. The Analyse Stage
    4. The Control Stage
    5. Summary
  8. Successful DMAIC Projects
    1. Project Selection
    2. Black Belt Skills
    3. Local Involvement
    4. Appropriate Application of the Process and Correct Tools
    5. Project Team Learning Environment
    6. Summary
  9. Six Sigma: A Critique
    1. Introduction
    2. Accepted Strengths of Six Sigma
    3. Critical Success Factors
    4. Inherent Conceptual Issues
    5. The Future
    6. Summary
A propos de l'auteur

Graeme Knowles