Livre électronique professionnel

Powerful Career Development Conversations

How to Have Career Conversations that Help Retain your Team

Langue :  English
Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) states that 63% of employees would look for a new job if they experience a lack of career development. Developing your workforce is an important skill for leaders.
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The challenge of attracting and retaining qualified and skilled talent remains at the heart of many organizational development strategies. It is not enough to have a great reward strategy, staff need to feel that their career and development needs are being addressed within their organization. This book sets out some of the key skills needed by managers to ensure they are confident at leading and having career development conversations with their staff. This in turn will aid the engagement and retention of top talent within their organization.

About the Author

Yvonne Akinmodun is a certified Executive & Career Coach Prior to becoming a career coach in 2017, She was a full time HR consultant for 7 years. Prior to that, she worked as a HR Director for a large housing organisation in London.As a career coach, she has appeared in career podcasts, been interviewed on radio and written articles about leadership and career coaching. She coaches professionals and executives to take charge and manage their careers which often includes developing their career confidence on a one to one or group basis.

  • About the author
  • Preface
  1. Why career development conversations are important for business success
    1. Career journeys in today’s world
    2. Why career conversations should be part of every manager’s leadership toolkit
    3. The benefits of engaging your workforce in career development conversations
    4. The main reasons most career development conversations are not effective
  2. Preparing for a career development conversation
    1. Roles and responsibilities
    2. Understanding your team’s needs and motivation
    3. Learning styles
    4. The importance of understanding strengths
  3. Career conversation methodologies
    1. The career conversation framework
    2. The 70:20:10 approach
    3. Using the KUSAB – knowledge, understanding, skills, attitudes and behaviour
  4. Managers as coaches
    1. Coaching questions
    2. The GROW model
    3. Managing the reluctant career owner
    4. Managing the ambitious team member
  5. Additional resources
    1. The purpose of these resources
    2. A Structure for effective career conversations
    3. The 70:20:10 development model
    4. Career development plan
    5. Bank of career conversation questions
  6. References
  • Endnotes

Learn the impact of career development conversations on business and employee retention. Outline responsibilities in career conversations and the 70:20:10 learning model. Improve the use of the GROW model for guiding career development discussions. Recognize the value of understanding and leveraging personal strengths in career growth.

A propos de l'auteur

Yvonne Akinmodun