Livre électronique professionnel

Perfect Presentations

How You Can Master the Art of Successful Presenting

(75 Classements )
2 Critiques
Langue :  English
This book reveals the fundamentals of good presenting practice. It offers ideas that you can follow to make your presentations truly masterful.
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Mastering the art of presentation is not easy. True. Good presenters are natural presenters. Not true. This guide to mastering the art of presentation proves this point. Everyone can present with flair, style and success. Everyone can be effective.

This book reveals the fundamentals of good presenting practice. Highlighting the major guidelines followed by successful presenters it offers ideas that you can follow to make your presentations more masterful. Using sets of top tips and ideas, lists of things to do and examples it shows you how you can get the most from your next presentation.

No one ever said that mastering the art of presentation was easy. That’s true.

Others have said good presenters are natural presenters. That’s not true.

A simple aim for this short guide to mastering the art of presentation is to prove this point. Everyone can present with flair, style and success. Everyone can be effective. Yes, it requires an understanding of good presenting practice and some adherence to guidelines…although these are not rigid rules. Good presenting will come more naturally to you with time and experience. It will certainly appear effortless to the uninitiated. But, you will know better. You will know that masterful presentations are professional presentations, planned and delivered to suit your purpose, your audience’s needs and their timings.

In twenty chapters this book reveals the fundamentals of good presenting practice. It highlights the major guidelines followed by successful presenters. And it offers ideas that you can follow to make your presentations more masterful. A bonus chapter, time keeping, details tips and techniques to keep you in charge of the one resource that waits for no-one…time.

Using sets of top tips and ideas, lists of things to do and examples we show you the simple things that you can do to get the most from your next presentation.

Good luck!

  1. Ten Questions You Need to Ask Before Your Next Presentation
  2. Understand Your Audience’s Sacrifice
  3. Master an Attentive Audience
  4. Master Your Presentation Mission
  5. Master Your Presentation Objectives
  6. Set Your Presentation Points
  7. Know Your Audience
  8. Use Titles for Your Presentation
  9. Use a Theme to Your Presentation
  10. Master the Introduction to Your Presentation
  11. Organise Your Presentation for Success
  12. Build Better Content for a Masterful Presentation
  13. Master PowerPointTM
  14. Master Presentation Rehearsal
  15. Question and Answer Sessions and How to Master Them
  16. How to Engage Your Audience
  17. Presentation Style Easily Mastered
  18. How You Can Master Rhetorical Devices
  19. Master the Point, Turn and Talk Presenting Technique
  20. Presentation Anxiety: Mastered
  21. Masterful Presentation Time
This is a great guide to presenters as on what are those that they should master so they can achieve goals set.
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A propos de l'auteur

Andrew Ivey