Moran Winsteen Albin
  • Titre professionnel: HR Consultant
  • Pays: Sweden
  • Number of Titles: 2
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Moran Winsteen Albin is an HR consultant and accountant as well as the CEO and owner of QHR Quality HR in Solna, Sweden.

With her empathy and passion, she is eager to help people to love themselves and to succeed in their careers. 

Moran moved to Sweden in 2001 and before that she began to study Swedish on her own with an ambition to study in Sweden. 

Her journey has taught her that everything is possible and that with the right motivation and self-belief you can achieve whatever you put your mind into. 

Moran is passionate about helping companies develop their HR processes and strategies and to help people become successful in their careers.

Previously, Moran worked as an accounting manager, human resources manager and as a board member - these skills and experiences together with her drive and analytical ability give her a unique ability to understand individuals and organizations and to help them develop.

Since 2011, Moran writes a blog about career development. She is the co-author of the Candidate thesis A Road to Success, which was both praised and highlighted in the Swedish media. 

Moran is a driven person who always focuses on quality and efficiency and wants to help others to do what they are best at while they love what they do.

Her Keynote Topics include:

+ Career Development
+ Self-Love and Self-empowerment
+ HR management
+ Compensation and Benefits

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