Livre électronique professionnel

Mindfully Centered

The Way of the Road Warrior 

Langue :  English
This Virtual Classroom looks at maintaining mental and emotional balance. We explore how the mind and body function under stress.
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Based on the 2017 Bookboon-published work, The Way of the Road Warrior, this Virtual Classroom series teaches practices of Fit, Fueled, Centered, and Safe in a world changed by COVID. In each Virtual Classroom, participants learn a simple set of proven practices that integrate performance and wellness with daily living. These simple practices provide tangible benefits as each reengages the world on paths of commuting, business, or leisure travel, or just being out and about. This Virtual Classroom is about being Mindfully Centered – maintaining mental and emotional balance along the path! Participants increase awareness of how the mind and body function under stress and learn simple practices that can increase the ability to remain centered when the road is challenging. The practices covered include various methods of breathing, practice of intention-setting, and a simple form of meditation. 

A propos de l'auteur

Anne Altizer