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Essentials of Microeconomics: Exercises

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Langue :  English
After reading the theory book about Microeconomics it is time to test your knowledge to make sure that you are well prepared for your exam.
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After reading the theory book about Microeconomics it is time to test your knowledge to make sure that you are well prepared for your exam.

This exercise book follows the same structure as the theory book about Microeconomics. Answer questions about for example consumer theory, demand, production and cost. All the exercises are followed by suggested solutions.

  1. Consumer Theory
    1. Preferences
    2. The Budget Line
    3. Utility Maximization
  2. Demand
    1. Price Changes
    2. Income Changes
    3. Elasticities
  3. Production
    1. Definitions
    2. The Production Function
  4. Costs
    1. Costs in the Short Run
    2. Costs in the Long Run
  5. Perfect Competition
    1. Definitions and Assumptions
    2. The Firm’s Short-Run Profit Maximization
    3. The Firm’s Long-Run Profit Maximization
  6. Monopoly
    1. Monopoly Profit Maximization and Efficiency Problems
    2. Price Discrimination
  7. Game Theory
    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Games on Normal Form
    3. Games on Extensive Form
  8. Oligopoly
    1. The Cournot Model
    2. The Bertrand Model
  9. Monopolistic Competition
  10. Labor
    1. The Supply of Labor
    2. The Demand for Labor
  11. General Equilibrium
    1. Definitions
    2. Efficient Production
  12. Choice under Uncertainty
  13. Other Market Failures
    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Externalities
    3. Public Goods
  14. Suggested Solutions
  15. Consumer Theory
    1. Preferences
    2. The Budget Line
    3. Utility Maximization
  16. Demand
    1. Price Changes
    2. Income Changes
    3. Elasticities
  17. Production
    1. Definitions
    2. The Production Function
  18. Costs
    1. Costs in the Short Run
    2. Costs in the Long Run
  19. Perfect Competition
    1. Definitions and Assumptions
    2. The Firm’s Short-Run Profit Maximization
    3. The Firm’s Long-Run Profit Maximization
  20. Monopoly
    1. Monopolies
    2. Monopoly Profit Maximization and Efficiency Problems
    3. Price Discrimination
  21. Game Theory
    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Games on Normal Form
    3. Games on Extensive Form
  22. Oligopoly
    1. The Cournot Model
    2. The Bertrand Model
  23. Monopolistic Competition
  24. Labor
    1. The Supply of Labor
    2. The Demand for Labor
  25. General Equilibrium
    1. Definitions
    2. Efficient Production
  26. Choice under Uncertainty
  27. Other Market Failures
    1. Basic Concepts
    2. Externalities
    3. Public Goods
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Krister Ahlersten