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Long-Term Assets Exercises III

Langue :  English
This exercise book is the last of three exercise books that correspond directly with the Long-Term Assets textbook.
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This exercise book is the last of three exercise books that correspond directly with the Long-Term Assets textbook. The exercises relate specifically to Part 3 of the Long-Term Assets textbook. Exercises focus on advanced property, plant, and equipment topics, natural resources, and intangible assets.

  1. Problem 1
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  2. Problem 2
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  3. Problem 3
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  4. Problem 4
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  5. Problem 5
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  6. Problem 6
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  7. Problem 7
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
  8. Problem 8
    1. Worksheet
    2. Solution
À propos des auteurs

Christopher J. Skousen


Larry M. Walther