Livre électronique professionnel

Keep Thriving 1

Biological Code

Langue :  English
We are born with a specific genetic code. Your environment determines the expression or suppression of this code. This book explores the biological and psychological factors that lie in your control.
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Searching for more influence on your own life? Do you lack: Intention, Direction, Motivation, Meaning, Belief, Vitality, Optimal health?Book 1 serves a guide to navigating towards a higher level of living and a more meaningful life. It will become your own personal map, with practical exercises, real stories, thought-provoking questions and deep theory. Giving you the tools to use your thoughts, feelings, and actions for optimal health and longevity. Empowering you to use your cognitive, emotional and biological arsenal to achieve a higher quality of life - thus unlocking your true potential.

About the Author

Reinhard Korb is the founder of Keep Thriving, a leading coaching consultancy that integrates the best of neuro, psycho and bioscience for optimal health, performance, engagement and longevity. He is Meta-Coach, trainer, blogger, speaker, author, and content creator with an integral approach to wellness.He is a licensed Meta-Coach with the International Society of Neuro-Semantics (ISNS) under the direct tutelage of Dr L. Michael Hall, the developer of Neuro-Semantics. He is also qualified as a: Neuro Coach, Stress Management Coach, Fitness & Nutrition Coach and Physical Training Instructor.

  • Introduction
  1. Biological code: Inflammation, disease, ageing and meaning
  2. Inflammation
  3. Biological influences of ageing
  4. Psychological influences of ageing
  5. Eudaimonia
  • Table of figures
  • Bibliography
  • About the Author

Understand the connection between lifestyle choices and their effect on aging and health. Use mental and cognitive processes to positively influence physical health and combat aging. Incorporate activities and habits that support a strong immune system and overall well-being. Build and maintain a sense of life purpose to foster resilience against life’s adversities.

A propos de l'auteur

Reinhard Korb