Livre électronique professionnel

Introduction to Customer Journey Mapping

A Definitive Guide to Customer Journey Mapping - Part 1

Langue :  English
Customer Journey Maps are paramount for successful customer-centric business optimisation. This eBook gives you practical tools to get your journey mapping started.
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Customer Journey Maps are vital for successful customer-centric business optimisation. They describe how your customers will travel from a desire to an outcome. This eBook gives you step-by-step practical tools to get your journey mapping started. These instructions you can ensure your business gets its customer journeys right by following a proven method used by leading companies. And the advice in this book will not just “get you there”, it will place you right in the top against the competition doing Journey Mapping. This book is part 1 of series of 2.

About the author

Dr. Janne Ohtonen, is an experienced customer experience and business process management specialist, with two decades of experience. He has worked with companies like British Telecom, Pfizer, Apple, IAG Group, Bristol Myers-Squibb, UK Broadband and British Airways. Dr. Ohtonen has also published several books on customer-centric business process management and capabilities.
  1. Abstract 
  2. Dedication
  3. Acknowledgements 
  4. Why Should You Read This Book? 
  5. Introduction to Customer Journey Mapping
    1. The Importance of Journey Mapping 
    2. Customer Journey Map vs. Other Business Maps 
    3. Main Components of a Great Customer Journey Map 
    4. Benefits of Journey Mapping 
    5. Summary 
  6. Introducing Case WWJD – Waving Watchmen Joining Designers 
    1. An Interview with Chief Operating Officer 
    2. Customer Story 
  7. End-to-End Customer Journey Mapping 
    1. Deciding Whose Journey Is Mapped Out 
    2. Understanding Where the Journey Starts and Ends 
    3. Identifying a Macro Journey 
    4. Universal Customer Journeys 
    5. Generic Customer Journeys 
    6. Customer Specific Journeys 
    7. Determining a Micro Journey Step-by-Step 
    8. Shaping the Journey on to a Map 
    9. Case WWJD: Customer Journey Map
  8. Summary 
    1. Shaping The Organisational Culture Using Journey Maps 
    2. Taking Action to Improve 
    3. Your Journey Map to Customer Success 
  9. Author’s Recommended Resources 
  10. About the Author 
A propos de l'auteur

Dr Janne Ohtonen