Livre électronique professionnel

How to Plan and Deliver Successful Business Events

A practical, Step by Step Guide to Business Event Success

Langue :  English
The complete ‘how to’ guide to designing, programing, planning, promoting and producing exciting, engaging and rewarding business events.
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Events are a tried and tested method for businesses, associations and public bodies to reach and engage with their audiences. They are the ultimate live marketing experience.

Creating memorable events that deliver returns for the audience and organiser is, no easy task. This book helps give you the skills and confidence to thrive in this demanding world.

It is a one-stop real world ‘how to’ guide to designing, programming, planning, promoting and delivering inspiring, engaging and rewarding business event experiences. It is packed full of best practice advice, top tips and checklists.

About the Author

Chris Powell, Director of The Event Expert provides event management courses and event consultancy services covering all types of business, public and virtual events. As a 25-year career event professional, he has been helping his clients from the UK, Europe and the Middle East develop the ideas, skills and confidence to run successful and rewarding events.

He is a self-confessed event groupie...a lover of all thing’s events, speaker, blogger and author. With over 500 events delivered and 6000+ event managers trained he is above all else, an event practitioner.

  • About the author: Chris Powell, The Event Expert
  • Introduction
  1. Purpose - Is there really an audience for your business event?
    1. Pre-event research
    2. Setting a clear event purpose: it’s why
    3. Why bother doing your homework?
  2. Designing and programming must attend business events
    1. Event design and programme principals
    2. Generating event design and programme ideas
    3. Programme formats and content delivery options
    4. Engaging your audience: tools and techniques
    5. Breaks
    6. Start times, programme lengths and which event days’ work best
    7. How to select the perfect event name
    8. Evaluating your event ideas
  3. Planning - making business events happen!
    1. Your event planning team
    2. Event project planning
    3. The money: event planning budgets
    4. Selecting and contracting competent contractors
    5. Event insurance (UK)
    6. Selecting your speakers and presenters
    7. Your event host
    8. Events Catering
    9. Sustainable events
  4. Places: creating great event spaces
    1. Setting your venue search criteria
    2. Designing your event site
  5. Promotion: Sold out, the art of business event promotion
    1. The 9 stage event promotion plan
    2. Should I attend? The delegate buying mindset
    3. The reality of event registration
    4. Pricing your event to sell
    5. Event websites
    6. Your event promotional collateral
    7. Event promotional reminders
    8. Pre-event promotional activities to drive registrations
    9. Social media and event promotion
    10. You have a signed-up audience but will they attend in person?
    11. Which part of your promotional plan actually works?
    12. Promoting and encouraging post event engagement
  6. Production: delivering your event
    1. How to create an event operational plan
    2. Event set up
    3. Event badging
    4. Event catering schedules
    5. Briefing your event day staff
    6. Event Risk Assessments
  7. People: Its show time
    1. The roles of the event manager on event day
    2. It’s nearly a wrap!
    3. What did everyone think of your event?
    4. Measuring the success of your event
    5. Post event follow up
  8. Final thoughts
  • Appendices: Practical examples and checklists
  • Bibliography

Learn how to manage the event day effectively, including risk assessments and staff briefings. Evaluate the success of your event by gathering feedback and analyzing outcomes. Apply sustainable practices to reduce the environmental impact of your event.

A propos de l'auteur

Chris Powell