Livre électronique professionnel

How to Manage Underperformance

A Practical Guide for People Managers

Langue :  English
Managing employee underperformance is an essential task for people managers. This book will help to ensure underperformance is fairly and effectively managed.
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Managing employee underperformance is an essential task for most people managers at some point during their management career. Employee underperformance needs to be addressed fairly and effectively, with the aim of helping employees improve and develop. This book will guide people managers on how to manage underperformance properly, with practical hints and tips that can be easily implemented, as well as how to overcome common challenges and pitfalls.

About the Authors

Update to current listing for Gemma (not change for Tim):Gemma is an experienced HR professional, a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD, Fellow of the HEA and Certified Business and Management Educator. She is a lecturer in the Business School at Liverpool John Moores University as well as running her own business The Work Consultancy where she focuses on policy development, flexible and hybrid working and wellbeing. Gemma was nominated in the Top 50 'Most Influential Thinkers in HR' list 2021 and 2022.Gemma is a qualified mediator and coach, and a regular speaker and writer on a variety of HR topics including employee engagement, flexible and hybrid working, and wellbeing.

  • A note on using this book
  1. What is performance management?
    1. Performance Management Techniques
  2. Identifying performance and underperformance
    1. Why do people underperform?
    2. Avoiding underperformance
  3. Supporting improvement
    1. Setting Objectives
    2. Learning and Development
    3. Acknowledge good performance or improvement
  4. Managing Employee Underperformance
    1. Five Principles for Managing Underperformance
    2. Informal v Formal Processes
    3. Underperformance conversations – providing the feedback
    4. Questions for underperformance conversations
    5. Dealing with the range of responses
    6. Performance improvement plans
    7. Following up underperformance
    8. What to avoid
    9. Underperforming Teams
  5. When performance does not improve
  • Conclusion: Key Takeaways

Understand performance management techniques. Learn how to support employee improvement. Master the process of managing underperformance.

À propos des auteurs

Gemma Dale