Gustavo Oliveira
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Gustavo Oliveira is a football coach whose football background came from playing professional football at a young age.

He currently holds a UEFA B qualification and Youth Award, working towards Advanced Youth Awards and UEFA A.  

He began coaching youth teams in 2007 and has coached in Brazil, New Zealand, Spain, Portugal and now England.  

Gus has worked with youth teams such as Sao Jose EC (Brazil), Auckland City FC (NZ), Lambeth Tigers, SL Benfica, Chelsea FC Foundation, and is now an Academy Coach with Millwall, and the Millwall Lionesses U16 RTC Head Coach.

Gus has a broad experience in Male and Female football, having coached from U6 to Senior level.

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