Livre électronique professionnel

Growth: It's in the Micro-Actions

Langue :  English
Learn fun, simple and powerful ways to develop and expand a growth mindset.
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Are you ready to play small?

If the answer is yes, you have landed in the right place. Learn fun, simple and powerful ways to develop and expand a growth mindset. Here we will explore what sits on the other side of your comfort zone, how to manage the feeling of overwhelm and the importance of rewards/celebration.

About the Expert

Sarah-Jayne Juniper, a certified, holistic Life Coach who believes knowledge heals. Her methodology is the belief that through reclaiming yourself you can transform your mind which transforms your life. Sarah-Jayne has 16 years’ experience working with and supporting young people with Additional, Emotional, Social and Behavioural Needs, providing safe spaces as well as endless opportunities to learn.She is on a mission to create change when it comes to our approach to well-being. Why, stop at one community when together we can have an impact on the world?

A propos de l'auteur

Sarah-Jayne Juniper