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Go Faster!

The TransRelational™ Approach to DBMS Implementation

(12 Classements )
Langue :  English
Use Go Faster! The TransRelational™ Approach to DBMS Implementation to Improve the Performance of Your Database.
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Use Go Faster! The TransRelational™ Approach to DBMS Implementation to Improve the Performance of Your Database

Go Faster! The TransRelational™ Approach to DBMS Implementation is an ebook to download free of charge.

In the database world, the relational model of database management was a massive leap forward, hailed as a breakthrough idea. Critics, however, pegged it as difficult, if not impossible, to implement in an efficient manner. Database administrators worked over the years to improve performance and have met with some success. Unfortunately, database management products have since become increasingly complex and unwieldy. But now there is another option.

Author C.J. Date, an expert in relational database technology, says the next “quantum leap” is the TransRelational Approach. This is a new and dramatically different way to implement the relational model for databases. The TransRelational Approach is faster than today’s SQL database products, with greater data independence. In addition, database administrators will find their jobs to be far simpler after implementing the TransRelational Approach.

  1. Part I: Preliminaries
  2. “Go Faster!”
    1. Introduction
    2. TR Technology and the Relational Model
    3. Model vs. Implementation
    4. So How is it Done?
    5. Structure of the Book
  3. The Historical Context
    1. Introduction
    2. Ordering
    3. Indexing
    4. Pointer Chains
    5. Hashing
    6. Data Compression
    7. Concluding Remarks
  4. Three Levels of Abstraction
    1. Introduction
    2. The Relational Level
    3. The File Level
    4. The TR Level
  5. Part II: The Transrelational Model
  6. Core Concepts
    1. Introduction
    2. The Crucial Idea
    3. The Field Values Table
    4. The Record Reconstruction Table
    5. Building the Record Reconstruction Table
    6. The Record Reconstruction Table is not Unique
  7. Core Concepts (Continued)
    1. Introduction
    2. Some Remarks on Performance
    3. TR Operators
    4. Building the Record Reconstruction Table: An Alternative Approach
    5. Record Reconstruction Revisited
    6. Pointers are Field Value Surrogates
    7. The Field Values Table is a Directory
    8. Miscellaneous Implementation Alternatives
  8. Implementing the Update Operators
    1. Introduction
    2. Overview
    3. A Detailed Example
    4. The Swap Algorithm
    5. Using an Overflow Structure
    6. Some Remarks on Performance
  9. Major-to-Minor Orderings
    1. Introduction
    2. The Suppliers-Parts-Projects Example
    3. A Preferred Record Reconstruction Table
    4. Building a Preferred Record Reconstruction Table
    5. Another Example
    6. Analysis
  10. Condensed Columns
    1. Introduction
    2. Condensing the Field Values Table
    3. Implications for Record Reconstruction
    4. Expanding the Record Reconstruction Table
    5. Further Space-Saving Techniques
  11. Merged Columns
    1. Introduction
    2. The Bill-of-Materials Example
    3. A Foreign Key Example
    4. Another Kind of Merging
    5. Concluding Remarks
  12. Implementing the Relational Operators
    1. Introduction
    2. Restrict
    3. Project
    4. Extend
    5. Summarize
    6. Join
    7. Union, Intersect, and Difference
    8. Materializing Derived Relations
    9. A Note Regarding Optimization
    10. A Note Regarding Constraints
    11. What's Missing?
  13. Part III: Disk-Based Implementation
  14. General Disk Considerations
    1. Introduction
    2. What's the Problem?
    3. Addressing the Problem
    4. Compressing the Field Values Table
    5. Compressing the Record Reconstruction Table
    6. Minimizing Seeks
  15. File Factoring
    1. Introduction
    2. A Simple Example
    3. Elaborating on the Example
    4. Further Possibilities
    5. Record Reconstructio
    6. Additional Benefits
  16. File Banding
    1. Introduction
    2. A Simple Example
    3. Elaborating on the Example
    4. How it's Really Done
    5. Controlled Redundancy
  17. Stars and Zigzags
    1. Introduction
    2. A Simple Example
    3. Elaborating on the Example
    4. What Happens on Disk
    5. Controlled Redundancy
  18. Part IV: Conclusion
  19. The Future Looks Bright Ahead
    1. Introduction
    2. The TR Model Summarized
    3. Analysis
    4. A Review of the Benefits
    5. Possible Future Developments
  20. Appendixes
  21. Appendix A: Exercises
  22. Appendix B: References and Bibliography
A propos de l'auteur

C. J. Date