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Expert Talk: Developing Leaders and Teams

1h 0m 58s
Langue :  English
After a career as a TV news journalist and her reinventing herself a couple of times, Katie is now developing leaders and teams to inspirational performance.
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Interviewing Katie Ledger was amazing. After a career as a TV news journalist and her reinventing herself a couple of times, Katie is now developing leaders and teams to inspirational performance. Her approach to life seems simple, yet very profound. I enjoyed every minute of our conversation about coaching, morning routines, and what life has in stock for us. We didn’t drift too much into the philosophical side of things, but discovered a lot around success, discussed portfolio careers and how mentors come into your life for a reason. I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I have; we spoke about Emotional Intelligence and us becoming a victim of the process we are living as we aren’t that conscious in the moment. 

About the author

During a successful, exit fuelled, senior digital advertising career in London, I have gained 14 years of experience working with startups and corporates alike; from sales/client services/commercial to operational roles, managing teams of up to 60 people and revenues in excess of 10m. I have grown pan-European businesses, turned around business units and, as a native German, cover the two largest digital economies in Europe.  With a highly analytical mind, growth mindset and commercial drive paired with strong technical understanding I have a wide ranged experience. I hold an MBA and a BEng (Hons).

A propos de l'auteur

Volker Ballueder