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Curiosity & Action

Build Your Business on Learning and Taking Imperfect Action

(14 Classements )
11m 57s
Langue :  English
Ready to discover two surprising ingredients for business success? Learn how continuous curiosity and decisive action—rather than waiting for perfect timing or the perfect product—can lead to success.
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Ready for two surprising ingredients for business success? Learn why continuous curiosity and taking action instead of waiting for perfect timing or the perfect product lead to success.

About the Author

Jennifer McFarland, MPA, is a consultant, writer & podcaster. With 20 years of design and tech experience, she helps businesses focus on growth with technology her lens. Her company, Foster Growth, and her podcast, the Third Paddle, have helped thousands of business owners realize their goals quicker while saving time and money.

A propos de l'auteur

Jennifer McFarland