Livre électronique professionnel

Enterprise Agility

Supporting Agility Across Your Organisation

Langue :  English
This book explores how to think about organisations and agile transformations as systems. We will look at organisational culture, and structure and answer how to support agility across the enterprise.
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Agility is a growing buzzword and increasingly, organisations are trying to land it across their businesses. Many agile transformation programmes are failing to achieve their goals, largely due to employee resistance, and lack of leadership support. We all want to be agile, and understand the benefits of working with agility, but wonder if it is limited to our technology departments, and if not, how do we extend agility more widely? This book will address what we mean by Enterprise Agility, and how to think about your organisation and agile transformations as systems. We will dive into organisational culture, structure and people – your leaders and getting everyone excited and invested about agility. Finally, we will answer the burning question around how to work smartly, to scale and support agility across the enterprise.

About the Author

Natasha is an Enterprise Agile Coach, specialising in leadership and transformation. Over the past 20 years, she has worked in the retail and hospitality sectors, most notably in product, services, technology, and engineering departments. She credits being thrown in the deep end of her first start-up, a software consultancy, for greatly nurturing her understanding and enthusiasm for agile and lean ways of working.Curious by nature, Natasha is passionate about solving complex problems in fun ways and she thrives in collaborative environments that leverage the pace of technology to improve an experience. Most importantly, Natasha values growth and helping people to develop their talent, and as a result, she invests time in giving back through mentoring, professional coaching, and public speaking.

  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  1. Getting Started - What is Enterprise Agility?
    1. Why Do Organisations Adopt Agile and Fail?
    2. Powerful Agility
    3. Thinking of Organisations as Systems
    4. The Butterfly Effect
    5. Helping the Whole Organisation Do and Be Agile
    6. 4 Steps For Success
  2. Organisational Culture
    1. Shifting Culture: Frederick Laloux’s Worldviews
    2. Discovering Your Organisational Culture
    3. Culture and Agile Transformations
  3. Agile Organisational Structure
    1. Introduction to Organisational Structure
    2. Changing Organisational Structure for Agility
    3. Scaling High Performing Teams
  4. Supporting Agility Across the Enterprise
    1. Developing Leaders
    2. Adaptive Portfolios and Team Composition
    3. Funding
    4. Agile Coaches
    5. What Does ‘Agile Scaling’ Mean?
    6. More Pitfalls of Agile Adoption
  5. Conclusion
  • Table of Figures
  • References

Understand what Enterprise Agility (EA) means and why it’s important for an entire organization. Recognize the significance of systems thinking and the butterfly effect in implementing EA. Identify how organizational culture influences the success of agile transformations. Learn about the structural changes required for supporting agility across an organization.

A propos de l'auteur

Natasha Ah-Fat