Douglas L. Jones
  • Pays: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 1

An “Eagle Feather” is the highest honor that can be given to a White Man by a First Nations native. It represents “Openness, Honesty, Strength, Integrity, Character and Wisdom”.

It is the “most valuable credential” I have ever earned.

It is not something that you can strive to obtain. It is earned by giving “Trust, Respect and Acknowledgment”. It is about “Adding value to People so that they can add value to others”.

My background has been in the study of “Behavioural Psychology”.

- What are the driving forces in a person’s life

- What are the real components of their behaviours (Thinking, Feeling, Actions)

- How to influence a person’s choice of behaviours

My professional development has been through practice and teaching

- Building and maintaining a private Counselling Practice (Helping people to deal with their emotional issues)

- Building and maintaining a private Coaching Practice (Helping people to develop their intellectual goals and plans)

- Teaching the concepts of “Choice Theory Psychology, Reality Therapy and Lead Management”

- One-On-One Business and Management Coaching

- Designing and presenting “Professional Development Workshops”

I am a: Certified “John Maxwell” Coach, Trainer & Speaker

- Certified Personal and Executive Coach

- Certified Emotional Fitness Coach

- Senior Faculty of the William Glasser Institute

- Masters in Adult Education

- Member of Rotary International

- Member of Toastmasters International

My passion is helping “Decision Makers” to become more effective “People Influencers”.

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