Livre électronique professionnel

Diversity and Inclusivity at Work

Langue :  English
Diversity and inclusivity are important for any business, not just to increase the efficacy but also to build a global brand and increase the customer base. Know your diversity quotient.
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Discrimination at workplaces is a serious topic especially when diversity is sought for a company's success. All global businesses have compliance and policies against discrimination, but it still happens. Diversity without inclusion is a meaningless concept that is triggered from lack of education. This unknown manifests into discrimination. The book targets on this education, and deals with stress appraisals while working with people from minority groups of race, sexual orientation, age, gender and physical ability.

About the author

He is a chemical engineer, graduated from India’s most premier institute, IIT- Bombay, Mumbai. He works as an Senior Human Resource Manager with a billion-dollar agrochemicals giant, UPL limited, Mumbai. His interest in psychology and applied behaviour combined with his technical expertise has led him to be a keynote speaker in various international seminars, colleges and business forums. He is also a consultant to many start-ups and non-profit organizations to enable encouraging work environment and bridging communication gaps across varied functions and businesses. He is also a new author in the crime and psychological thriller genre with his “When the Devil Whispers” that exemplifies his fresh way of working with real life stories. His literary work has earned him international accolades and critical appreciation. Some of his work has been adapted for short movies and theatrical performances. His study in clinical psychology and a major in engineering helps him brew fresh and creative content which has mathematical aspects to humane stories. His expertise in predictive modelling is now being experimented in his latest works on stochastic behavioural predictions and his upcoming thriller novel.

  • About the author
  1. What is diversity at work?
    1. And why is it so important?
  2. Can diversity be problematic?
    1. The concept of inclusivity
  3. What about my beliefs?
    1. Building empathetic bridges
  4. The third people
    1. Who are these people?
  5. Is it fear that I smell?
    1. How to get rid of insecurities
  6. Under the microscope
    1. The power of identity
  7. Lights camera action!
    1. Channelizing differences to strengths
  8. But I am still not sure
    1. Sensitisation and action
  9. The view from the top
    1. What can leaders do?
  10. Completing the puzzle
    1. Brand building
A propos de l'auteur

Ajinkya Bhasme