Apprentissage audio

Delegating Effectively

14m 0s
Langue :  English
Delegating is a critical management skill but it can be a challenging to master. Learn how to overcome these challenges and feel more confident and motivated to delegate effectively.
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As a manager, being able to delegate effectively is an extremely valuable skill. When done right, it’s a win-win: it can give you precious time back so that you can focus on managing rather than doing. It can also empower and develop your team. However, as managers we often avoid delegating, or delegate ineffectively offering too little or too much guidance. In this audio learning, you'll learn how to overcome these challenges and delegate in a way that empowers your team to deliver results while feeling fully supported.

About the Author

Clare Fitzsimmons is an organisational change and leadership development expert with a wealth of experience working with global companies to strengthen leadership capability and build high performing teams.She is passionate about facilitating behavioural change that enables individuals, teams and organisations to reach their true potential. Topics Clare works extensively on include: Thriving in Change, Coaching & Feedback, Virtual Teaming and Building Diverse & Inclusive Cultures.

A propos de l'auteur

Clare Fitzsimmons