Counterpoint Courses
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 5
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Steve Mallaband is a procurement professional with over 20 years experience, and has held senior positions in private and public sector organisations, both in the UK and abroad. In addition to hands on experience as a buyer and category manager, he has designed and built several very effective procurement organisations throughout his career. For the last 10 years he has provided consultancy and training to a variety of clients around the globe. He is a knowledgeable, interesting and dynamic consultant who is able to draw on his very considerable practical experience to excellent effect.    

Rosamund Howard is a professional consultant and trainer with a rich and varied career in industry and education. She believes that excellence in communication and other “soft skills” is vital for business success, and has a real passion for helping others achieve their goals. For the last 13 years she has provided consultancy, coaching and training to a variety of clients in many different countries and from many different organisations.   She is a practical, down-to-earth consultant who excels in working with users to understand their needs and ensure that these are met

Counterpoint is a specialist consultancy and training business focused on Procurement and Commercial Negotiations. Its vision is to see a world where:

  • People have the necessary communication skills to express their needs clearly and concisely, negotiate well and write effective contracts.
  • Procurement is practised professionally such that goods and services are bought at the right price, right time and right quality.
  • Suppliers are viewed as valuable assets of an organisation, and great care is taken to manage them well.
  • Time and money are not wasted in fruitless negotiations, endless misunderstandings and problems with suppliers.

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