Livre électronique professionnel

Counselling Skills

Managing People Problems at Work

(22 Classements )
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Langue :  English
This eBook introduces you to the “counselling approach”, which is a managerial way of counselling staff.
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This eBook introduces you to the “counselling approach”, which is a managerial way of counselling staff. It explains that treating people with dignity, respect, and valuing, is the only course that can succeed in the 21st century. Have a look!

In the last few years, counselling has become something of a growth industry. It seems that no major life event, whether joyous or traumatic, can take place without being accompanied by an offer of counselling. This growth has extended to the workplace. Here effective managers have adopted the very best of counselling skills and adapted them to improve face-to-face communications with their staff. The result is not strictly counselling in the professional sense but a way of managing people that we can call “the counselling approach”.

When it comes to handling difficult people problems that affect the health, productivity, and well-being of employees, past models of telling people what to do, followed by discipline and ultimately punishments such as dismissal, are no longer acceptable. Using a professional approach, with the use of known skills that work, and which treat people with dignity, respect, and valuing, is the only course that can succeed. This is the promise and reward that comes from learning the skills of the Counselling Approach.

  1. The Counselling Approach
    1. What “the Counselling Approach” Is
    2. Problems at Work
    3. People Maintenance
    4. Workplace Problems
    5. The Manager as Helper
    6. Emotional Intelligence
    7. The Principles of the Counselling Approach
    8. Key Points
  2. Awareness, Acceptance, and Growth
    1. Discuss the Issues
    2. Opening Up Awareness with the Johari Window
    3. Refusing to Budge
    4. Giving People Feedback
    5. Jewels in their Crown
    6. Jewels in our Crown
    7. Acceptance
    8. Key Points
  3. Personal Growth
    1. Trust
    2. Bind and Bond
    3. Autonomy
    4. Giving Calhoun the Ball
    5. Initiative
    6. Digging a Trench
    7. Industry
    8. Kicking to its Feet
    9. Identity
    10. The Sting of a Scorpion
    11. Intimacy
    12. I Knew You’d Come
    13. Generativity
    14. The Acorn Planter
    15. Integrity
    16. The New Emperor
    17. Counselling & Growth
    18. Key Points
  4. Dispositions of Counselling
    1. Warmth
    2. Empathy
    3. Specificity
    4. Genuineness
    5. Confidentiality
    6. Professional Distance
    7. The Touch of Integrity
    8. Self-Renewal
    9. Key Points
  5. The Counselling Interview
    1. Aims
    2. Preparation
    3. Environment
    4. Role
    5. Stages
    6. Process
    7. Follow Up
    8. Key Points
  6. The Art of Listening
    1. Stop, Look and Listen
    2. Take Yourself Out of Things
    3. Look Through a Window, Not a Mirror
    4. Stay Tuned In Even When You Don’t Like the Music
    5. Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs
    6. Be Alert, Alive and Attentive
    7. Take Your Time
    8. Detective Listening
    9. Respond to the Moment
    10. Key Points
  7. Questions for Meaning and Understanding
    1. Questions for Information
    2. Questions for Confirmation and Response
    3. Questions for Understanding
    4. Key Points
  8. Challenging
    1. Bring Things Out In the Open
    2. Point Out the Discrepancies
    3. Incongruence
    4. Link the Contradictions
    5. Not Getting In Their Way
    6. Challenge Faulty Thinking
    7. Gentle Suggestion
    8. Key Points
  9. Moving On
    1. Referrals
    2. Specialist Help
    3. The Follow-Through
    4. Key Points
  10. People Problems
    1. Performance Problems
    2. Sickness Absence
    3. Career Counselling
    4. Bereavement Counselling
    5. Personal Relationships
    6. Key Points
  11. Web Resources on “Counselling Skills”
This book will keep those in higher authorities grounded. I think this one exhibits an ideal way on how to deal with people and issues. I highly recommend this one.
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Eric Garner