Livre électronique professionnel

Cadence of Confidence

The Rhythm of Confidence in the Workplace

Langue :  English
Cadence of Confidence is written for anyone who seeks more understanding and strategies for managing confidence in the workplace.
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Cadence of Confidence is structured into chapters that can be explored randomly or followed as a sequence of learning and discovery. It includes examples of managing confidence when working with a variety of cultures, in different conditions/circumstances.

A love of music, rhythm and appreciation for both sound and silence, lyrics and quotations support the narrative. The author invites you to find resonant chords that increase your confidence and enforce your capacity for success.

About the author

Sheilina Somani is an effective project manager with proven experience in delivering successful projects and programmes across the world; a Chartered Project Professional with over 30 years’ experience, across 5 continents and numerous organisations and industry sectors.

Her passion for understanding culture and perspectives has been sustained by working in over 700 cities with diverse nationalities, religions, ages, genders and politics. Sheilina has effectively utilised her knowledge and experience in mentoring and coaching individuals and groups to increase their effectiveness and success. In all instances, confidence has been a key asset in her success.

  • Author’s Overview
  • Introduction
  1. Confidence – a Holistic Perspective
    1. Defining Confidence
    2. Managing Expectations
    3. Appreciating Perceptions
  2. Working Environments
    1. The Typical Workplace
    2. Solo or Remote Working
    3. Workplace Territories
    4. Escalations and Interventions
  3. Cultural Confidence
    1. Covert Facets of Culture
    2. Appreciating Cultural Nuances
    3. Facets of Diversity and Difference
    4. Inclusion with Kindness
  4. Individual Aspects of Confidence
    1. Personal Frame of Reference
    2. Self Esteem and Imposter Syndrome
    3. Sustaining Confidence
    4. Confidence in Conflict
  5. Delivering Confidence
    1. Writing with Confidence
    2. Presenting Information
    3. Interpersonal Communication
    4. Developing the Confidence of Others
  6. Changing Environments
    1. Moving within an Organisation
    2. A New Career
  7. Closing Thoughts
  8. Bibliography
A propos de l'auteur

Sheilina Somani