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Budgeting and Decision Making Exercises II

Langue :  English
This exercise book is the second of four exercise books that correspond directly with the Budgeting and Decision Making textbook.
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This exercise book is the second of four exercise books that correspond directly with the Budgeting and Decision Making textbook. The exercises relate specifically to Part 2 of the Budgeting and Decision Making textbook. Exercises focus on tools for enterprise performance evaluation. Specific exercises cover responsibility accounting, management by exception, cost centers, profit centers, investment centers, flexible budgets, standard costs, and variance analysis.

  1. Problem 1
    1. Worksheet 1
    2. Solution 1
  2. Problem 2
    1. Worksheet 2
    2. Solution 2
  3. Problem 3
    1. Worksheet 3
    2. Solution 3
  4. Problem 4
    1. Worksheet 4
    2. Solution 4
  5. Problem 5
    1. Worksheet 5
    2. Solution 5
  6. Problem 6
    1. Worksheet 6
    2. Solution 6
  7. Problem 7
    1. Worksheet 7
    2. Solution 7
À propos des auteurs

Christopher J. Skousen


Larry M. Walther