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Mindy Gibbins-Klein
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 2
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Mindy Gibbins-Klein is an author, entrepreneur and international speaker who has presented to and coached over 50,000 business executives and entrepreneurs in 18 countries. She has authored and co-authored 10 books has been featured in print, radio and television over 100 times. Her online has been syndicated and licensed worldwide.
Founder of The Book Midwife® and Panoma Press, Mindy has helped one thousand people plan, write and publish thought-leading books. Her TEDx talk “Sometimes You Need to Change Yourself to Be Yourself” has nearly one million views, and demonstrates Mindy’s passion for helping people from under-represented groups to become leaders, and for all people to be more thoughtful.

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