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Audiobook: How to Train your Mentor

1h 59m 46s
Langue :  English
It is hard to know what to do when you are in the middle of a mentoring relationship, as a Mentee, and are uncertain whether you are getting the best value from your Mentor.
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Most Mentors know very little about how to be an effective Mentor, which can be very frustrating for you as a Mentee. Mostmentoring books aim to educate you on the basics of how to start a mentoring relationship. However, very few deal with what to do when you find yourself in the middle of a mentoring relationship, and are uncertain as to whether you are getting the best value from that relationship. Mentors who plan to mentor more than one person over a sustained length of time should still have training. Until they do, this book will help you with advice, tips, and a whole lot more so you can get better value from your Mentor and help them, in turn, become better Mentors.

A propos de l'auteur

Jacqui Hogan