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An Introduction to the Quantum Theory for Chemists

An Experimental Approach

Langue :  English
This little book is a brief introduction to the quantum theory for chemists. In it, the author keeps as close to experiment as possible, and to ideas that are familiar to chemists.
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This little book is a brief introduction to the quantum theory for chemists. In it, the author keeps as close to experiment as possible, and to ideas that are familiar to chemists.The quantum theory is used in chemistry to make accurate calculations of chemical processes, and to provide approximate explanations of chemical phenomena. In this book, the author gradually builds up the principles behind accurate calculations, while also discussing the results of more approximate treatments.

About the author

The author is a retired lecturer in chemistry at the University of Hull, England. His research interest is in the fundamental ideas of chemistry.

  • Acknowledgements
  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. Emission spectra
  4. Energies of atoms
  5. Wave-like behaviour
  6. Wave mechanics
  7. Schrödinger’s theory of hydrogen atom
  8. Dirac’s theory of hydrogen atom
  9. Modified Schrödinger theory of hydrogen atom
  10. Modified Schrödinger theory of other atoms
  11. Modified Schrödinger theory of molecules
  12. Valence-bond (VB) theory
  13. Ligand-field theory
  14. Density functional theory (DFT)
  15. Perspective on the quantum theory
  16. Further reading
  • Questions
  • Answers
  • Appendix
A propos de l'auteur

Peter G. Nelson