Livre électronique professionnel

Advanced Communication Skills

(181 Classements )
3 Critiques
Langue :  English
Are you looking to take your communication skills onto the next level? Then this eBook is the right choice for you.
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Are you looking to take your communication skills onto the next level?

Have you ever wondered what the master communicators do and how they seem to make it look so easy?

In this textbook you’ll will take your communication skills to another galaxy! You’ll discover how people think, how they process information and what goes on behind the scenes (i.e in everyone’s brain) so you can tailor your communications to get what you need and the desired outcomes.

Are you looking to take your communication skills onto the next level?

Do you want to be able to tap into other’s wavelengths be able to influence at will?

Have you ever wondered what the master communicators do and how they seem to make it look so easy?

In this textbook you’ll will take your communication skills to another galaxy! You’ll discover how people think, how they process information and what goes on behind the scenes (i.e in everyone’s brain) so you can tailor your communications to get what you need and the desired outcomes.

  1. Introduction – Advanced Communication Skills
    1. The Importance of Communication
    2. What Is the Difference between Communication Skills and Advanced Communication Skills?
    3. Which Advanced Communication Skills?
  2. Review of Communication Basics
    1. Introduction
    2. The Communication Process
    3. Elements of Communication
    4. Taking Your Communication Skills to the Next Level
  3. Examining the Communications Process
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of Input
    3. Filters
    4. The Internal Map, Internal State, and Behavior or Response
    5. Why This Matters
  4. Internal Representation
    1. Introduction
    2. Internal Representation of Our World
    3. Language as a Representational System
    4. Verbal Clues
    5. Visual Representation System
    6. Auditory Representational System
    7. Kinaesthetic Representational System
    8. Auditory Digital Representational System
    9. Eye Movements as an Indication
    10. Phrases for Use in Response to Each Representational System
  5. Building Rapport
    1. Introduction
    2. Six Steps to Building Rapport
    3. Calibration
    4. Pereceptual Positions
  6. Tools for Advanced Communication
    1. Introduction
    2. Reframing
    3. Linguistic Tools for Advanced Communicators
  7. Resources
A great read -- definitely going to apply these lessons
Good content and easy to read.
The book involved the whole process in communication which is vital so people will understand how it is done more effectively and how to react accordingly also.
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MTD Training