Zorlu Senyucel
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Zorlu Senyucel, PhD, MSc, MRes, FHEA, Chartered MCIPD.

Dr Senyucel has extensive experience of higher education gained from working in higher education for over 14 years in a broad variety of roles such as senior lecturer, researcher, leader in learning and teaching, and senior manager. He received the best lecturer awards in 2012 and 2013 while working at UEL. His areas of expertise are learning, teaching, assessment and feedback, staff and student engagement.

A root cause of many challenges and issues within higher education arise from a lack of direction and time to reflect. Dr Senyucel is passionate about creating an environment to grow and direct people’s potential. He believes that education is driven by people, so only through support, guidance and engagement that learning and development is possible.

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