Yvonne Akinmodun
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Yvonne Akinmodun is a certified Executive & Career Coach
Prior to becoming a career coach in 2017, She was a full time HR consultant for 7 years. Prior to that, she worked as a HR Director for a large housing organisation in London.
As a career coach, she has appeared in career podcasts, been interviewed on radio and written articles about leadership and career coaching. She coaches professionals and executives to take charge and manage their careers which often includes developing their career confidence on a one to one or group basis.

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Onko sinulla mahtava idea, jonka haluaisit nähdä liiketoimintakirjana tai oppikirjana? Onko kokemuksesi opettanut sinulle henkilökohtaisesta kehittymisestä asian jos toisenkin, jonka haluaisit jakaa maailmalle? Tai erikoistutko akateemiseen aihealueeseen, jota voisi selittää paremminkin? Laatu, selkeys ja tiivis esitystapa ovat Bookboonin eKirjojen tunnusmerkkejä. Ota yhteyttä toimitustiimiimme ja ala julkaista!