Professional eBook

White Paper Writing for Business

(14 ratings )
Language :  English
This book covers what a white paper is, how to write it, its categories and components, selecting an internal team to write it, and how to hire a professional white paper writer.
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White Paper Writing for Business is a business book that covers what a white paper is and its history, how to write it, how to arrange it based on categories and components, how to select an internal team to write it, and how to hire a professional white paper writer.

It is divided into ten chapters, from which the readers can learn how to conceptualize a white paper from scratch, conduct proper research, and develop it from thesis statement. We introduce the “what”-s and the “why”-s of writing a white paper. Eventually, readers will learn about the lengthy process of writing a good white paper that is appropriate for the intended readers, satisfactory to the client, and safe from legal suits.

  1. Introduction to White Paper
    1. Brief History and Statistics
    2. White Paper in Business
    3. Before, During, and After Writing
  2. Categories of White Paper
    1. Based on Content
    2. Based on Purpose
    3. Based on Structure
    4. Takeaways from this Chapter
  3. Benefits of White Paper for Business
    1. Primary Benefits
    2. Other Benefits
    3. Takeaways from this Chapter
  4. Parts of a White Paper
    1. Primary Sections
    2. Other Elements
    3. Takeaways from this Chapter
  5. Steps to Writing a White Paper
    1. Clearing Mind from Doubts
    2. Writing Objective
    3. Target Audience
    4. Writing Guidelines
    5. Topic
    6. Thesis Statement
    7. Terminology
    8. Research
    9. Visuals
    10. Takeaways from this Chapter
  6. Writing the White Paper
    1. Catching Attention
    2. Points and Summaries
    3. Clarity of Problems
    4. Clarity of Solutions and Products
    5. Tone and Storytelling Elements
    6. Substance Elements
    7. Credible Sounding
    8. Interviewing Tips
    9. Research Tips
    10. Journalist’s Toolbox
    11. Full URL, Not Shortened
    12. Takeaways from this Chapter
  7. What not to Include
    1. Figurative Language
    2. Inappropriate Jargons
    3. Hypes and Sales Pitches
    4. Cliché
    5. Idioms and Slang Words
    6. Subjective Opinions
    7. Attacks
    8. False Statements
    9. Generalizations
    10. Logical Fallacies
    11. Takeaways from this Chapter
  8. What to do after Writing
    1. Edit and Revise
    2. Expert Readers
    3. Revise Again
    4. Final Grammar Check
    5. Layout and Design
    6. Final Plagiarism Check
    7. Takeaways from this Chapter
  9. What to look for in a Writer
    1. Internal Writer or Hire a Freelancer
    2. Requirements
    3. Tips in Hiring a Freelancer
    4. Options on Hiring a Freelance Writer
    5. Questions to ask Prior to Hiring
    6. Takeaways from this Chapter
  10. Conclusions and Recommendations
About the Author

Jennifer Xue