Professional eBook

The Upside Down Guide to writing for the Press

Write like a pro and get published

(19 ratings )
4 reviews
Language :  English
This book may not turn you into an award-winning journalist. But, follow its rules and it will help achieve better and more extensive coverage for your press releases.
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Globally, there are more than print 600,000 magazines in circulation and countless more on-line publications, blogs and forums. They are all hungry for material. This e-book will ensure that it is YOUR press release that provides the material these websites and magazines need.

The Upside Down Guide to Writing for the Press will help you understand:

  • The mechanics of writing a successful press release or article.
  • How to ensure that your copy is relevant and newsworthy.
  • How professionals check they have included all of the salient facts.
  • Different types of press release; plus written examples.
  • How to stay on the right side of editors and journalists.
  • Which language traps to beware of!
  • How writing effectively helps improve web content.

This book may not turn you into an award-winning journalist. But, follow its rules and it will help achieve better and more extensive coverage for your press releases.

  1. The inverted pyramid
  2. How do we define News?
  3. The painful birth of a press release
  4. Structuring a Press Release – The Six Ws
  5. What can I put into a Press Release?
  6. Getting the picture?
  7. Journalists’ pet hates – and some ways to avoid them
  8. PRINT versus DIGITAL – What price conventional Press Relations in the Twitter age?
  9. Writing for the Web and other electronic media
  10. LANGUAGE: Confusion reins: or should that be reigns?
  11. Summing Up
This is an excellent book in which even an experienced writer like me found some useful hints and tips. Any beginning writer should find the example press releases especially helpful.
A text book that is humorous and informative - Who knew it was possible? It just goes to show you can teach an old dog new tricks: I am using the 6 Ws tip with a post-it note on my laptop as you recommend. I have also sent the link to my contacts.
Very handy tips for someone like me who is not a professional copywriter but still has to write text to promote technical products. The strong message of this Upside Down Guide is "start with the end". Pleasant to read, full with British humour (did not understand all of it....). Best sentence: "Just like a bikini, your story should be brief enough to excite interest but cover all the essential points"!
Wow - I've just read the extract from 'The upside down guide to writing for the Press' - it's almost as if you've been able to read my mind (and the minds of most other trade editors no doubt)! You describe the process of selecting material for publication perfectly, and your guide to writing a press release is spot on. Getting this type of information to the relevant people would really help the cause, and make the life of an editor a happier one!!
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About the Author

Peter Rose