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Professional eBook

Strategic Management

The Triple Bottom Approach

Language:  English
Social, environmental, and economic facets of performance, responsibility and sustainability into the fundamental company plan is part of the Triple Bottom Line (TPL) approach to strategic management.
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Organisations can generate sustainable value for society in the focus of people management, the environment on waste management and corporate sustainable initiatives, and the shareholders, on business sustainability and growth. These three focuses with reference to Triple Bottom Line concept are the key in strategic management practices and are frequently viewed as a more responsible and all-encompassing method of doing business in order to obtain a competitive advantage.

About the Author

Catherine has 15 years of corporate experience in the field of marketing and management. She worked in the retail, hotel, oil and gas, and consulting industries. After earning her master's degree and PhD, she entered the higher education sector and acquired 14 years of expertise in imparting knowledge and developing future business leaders. At present, she is a certified trainer and consultant in the field of strategic marketing and management. Her professional goal is to create ecologically sensitive strategies and activities for people and organisations through education, training, and development activities.

  • About the Author
  • Introduction
  1. Business Management
    1. The Essentials of Tools
    2. People
    3. Communication Tools
    4. Interaction
    5. Motivation
    6. Fun
    7. Output
    8. Consistency
  2. Unleashing Inimitable Strategies
    1. SWOT
    2. Deliberate and Emergent Strategy
    3. Innovation Success
    4. Model of Design Thinking
    5. Design Thinking Process
    6. Core Competencies
    7. The Value Net
  3. Environmental Concerns
    1. Environmental Impact
    2. Waste Management Awareness
    3. Willingness to Pay
    4. Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives
    5. Corporate Sustainability Initiatives
  4. Corporate Citizenship
  5. Fast Fashion Industry
    1. Sustainable Fashion Consumption and Voluntary Simplicity
    2. Sustainable Fashion Industry Challenges and Strategies
    3. The Sustainable Future of Modern Fashion Industry
  6. Food Industry
    1. Environmental Education
    2. Food Waste Classification
    3. Consumer Behaviour
    4. Policies Implementation
    5. Sustainability Consumption of Food
    6. Agriculture
    7. Human Health Dimension
    8. Food Consumption
  7. Summary
  • Table of Figures
  • References
About the Author

Prof. Catherine Muthu