Søren Beier
  • Instituutio: Novozymes A/S / Bagsvaerd Liquorice / IAIM Consult
  • Maa: Denmark
  • Number of Titles: 6
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Søren Beier has a M.Sc. and PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Denmark. Søren is working within enzyme recovery and formulation process development and production as Head of Production in a large biotech company. He is furthermore the owner and co-founder of Bagsvaerd Liquorice which is a start-up company from 2015 manufacturing and selling high quality liquorice products. Søren's areas of expertise spans from chemical engineering, quality management and control, business start-up, process development & upscale, and large scale production.

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