Professional eBook

Slow Down Look Up (A Meanderer’s Manifesto)

How To Take the Scenic Route and Still Arrive On Time

Language :  English
SDLU is a manifesto for being inquisitive and interested in anyone and everything. It justifies the author’s (often frowned upon) penchant for having had an eclectic career.
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Slow Down Look Up is a self-development trip built around life-lessons from the author’s varied career.

Set to the motif of a David Bowie inspired journey, each chapter represents a station at which the reader alights and explores before getting back on board for the next adventure.

SDLU is for the reader who is a little lost, confused and uncertain. It is proof-positive that by looking and listening with an open mind you will find something resembling the answer.

The theme is eclecticism, and the lesson is that there are many wonderful alternatives to setting strict goals and targets.

About the Expert

Renato is a Venetian Londoner who ran a travel company for over two decades. He has been a workplace coach, university lecturer, teacher and an educational assessor obsessed with the nuances and intricacies of marking coursework and exam papers.

When the Pandemic of 2020 finally released its grubby grip, he took the opportunity to change career and became a UK Government Civil Servant. His clients were no longer ‘discriminating’ holiday makers and business travellers, but unemployed and disadvantaged people. He learned a lot.

His first book, The Beautiful Mind Game used lessons from football to show how the sport provides metaphors and strategies for life.

Listen to other peoples’ experiences when developing your strategy. Enjoy the process of experimenting and researching when testing hypotheses. Respect your intuition when negotiating with others. Observe people and situations to build empathy for their feelings.

  • About the author
  • Introduction
  1. Changes
    1. The Beginning of the Beginning, when something needs to change
    2. Please Make Your Way to the Departure Lounge (KETHER)
    3. Why Slow Down and Look Up?
  2. All the somebody people
    1. Being ambitious helps
    2. Avoid being clever and stupid at the same time
    3. Talking of change
  3. Cracked actor
    1. Roles remain while positions change
    2. The Wandering Aramean
    3. Position, Perception and Picturing
  4. Learning Models
    1. Using Metaphors to Communicate Better
    2. Some of my favourite metaphors/models
  5. Station to Station
    1. The arrival of freedom and the opportunities it seems to offer
    2. No confession, no religion: even belief in ideology can be effective
  6. Time will crawl
    1. Out of Body
    2. What’s Past is Prologue
    3. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
  7. Who can I be now?
    1. Cultural Capital
    2. You are you. You’re not your job
    3. Begin finding yourself with Self-Talk
    4. Self-Acceptance
    5. Success comes with a caveat
  8. Brilliant adventure
    1. The Grand Tour
    2. Slow Food and Slow Down
    3. Looking Down on Bad Tech
    4. Broad Operators Vs Deep Operators
    5. A.B.C.
  9. Sound and vision
    1. What is truth?
    2. The complexity of the brain
    3. Making sense of the senses
    4. Neurodiversity emphasises uniqueness
    5. Striving to be an individual
  10. After all
    1. He played it left hand but made it too far
    2. Evolution of Trains
    3. Rough Sleeper
    4. Bucket Lists
  11. Journey’s end
  • References
About the Author

Renato Fantoni