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Simplified Principles of Microeconomics

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Language :  English
In this book the most important principles of microeconomics are presented. This book challenges the custom that economics cannot be written without complicated terms and categories.
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In this book I’ve applied my teaching philosophy proven to work all over the world when economics is presented with real life examples, and categories. In the book the core of the ‘hardest’ and the most important principles of microeconomics are presented in simple terms, including for example why we can not have everything we want, wants and availabilities, places of negotiations, measuring response and costs. This book challenges the custom that economics cannot be written without complicated terms and categories.

  1. The structure of this book
  2. How to read this book
  3. Those two lines
    1. Learning Objectives
  4. The First Principle: we can’t have everything we want
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Challenge
    3. Summary
  5. The Second Principle: desire versus availability
    1. Learning objectives
    2. The demand side of the market
    3. Conclusion
    4. Challenge
  6. The Third Principle: measuring responses
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Example 1
    3. Example 2
    4. Example 1 again
    5. Example 2 again
    6. Example 3
    7. Revenue and elasticity
  7. The Fourth Principle: negotiations
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Competitive markets
    3. Example 1
    4. Example 2
    5. Summary
    6. Different market structures
    7. PC: Perfect Competition
    8. IC: imperfect competition
  8. The Fifth Principle: costs
    1. Learning objectives
    2. Production factors
    3. Total costs
    4. Average costs
    5. Marginal costs
    6. Example
    7. Marginal and average costs
  9. Instead of a conclusion
  10. About the author
  11. Bibliography
  12. Selected answers
    1. Those two lines
    2. The First Principle
    3. The Second Principle
    4. The Third Principle
    5. The Fourth Principle
    6. The Fifth Principle
  13. Glossary
  14. Endnotes
An easy to understand book covering the beginning of microeconomics.
Good book: it helps to understand economic activities and how they affect our lives.
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About the Author

Hazbo Skoko