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In this eBook, we discuss the rationale for reinsurance that includes risk mitigation and capital management.
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  1. Preface
  2. Setting The Stage: Rationale For Reinsurance
    1. Introduction
    2. The Role Of Reinsurance 
    3. Global Reinsurance Market 
    4. Forms Of Reinsurance – Facultative Or Obligatory
  3. Types Of Reinsurance (Part I): Proportional Reinsurance
    1. Introduction
    2. Quota Share (QS) Reinsurance
    3. Quota Share and Implications for the Probability of Financial Ruin
    4. Surplus Share Reinsurance
  4. Types Of Reinsurance (Part II): Non-Proportional Reinsurance
    1. Introduction
    2. Excess Of Loss Insurance (Per-Risk Reinsurance)
    3. Stop Loss Reinsurance
    4. CAT Excess Of Loss 
  5. Pricing Of Reinsurance Treaties
    1. Introduction 
    2. Pricing Of Proportional Reinsurance
  6. Pricing Of Non-Proportional Reinsurance
    1. Introduction
    2. Premium For An XL Reinsurance Treaty
    3. Experience Rating (Also Called The Burning Cost Method (BCM))
  7. References

In this eBook, we discuss the rationale for reinsurance that includes risk mitigation (which complements risk pooling) and capital management. We analyse the structure of reinsurance markets and the role of reinsurance brokers in providing reinsurance intermediation. We present the main characteristics and pricing of proportional and non-proportional treaties supported by a discussion of key reinsurance concepts such as ceding and profit commissions.

About the authors

Drs. Dick Harryvan has a graduate degree in business economics. He is an entrepreneurial executive with extensive experience in setting up life and direct retail banking green-fields including ING Direct the world’s largest direct bank which grew to 24 million customers. Being pragmatic, customer centric, focused and keeping things simple are keys to success and are reflected in this Art of Insurance series.

Dr. Abdul Rahman holds graduate degrees in mathematics and financial economics and won the best teacher award by MBA students for 12 consecutive years at the Telfer School of Management. He has published in prestigious academic journals, held university positions as Full Professor and Associate Dean and consulted for global financial institutions in banking, insurance and asset management .

About the Authors

Abdul H. Rahman

Dick H. Harryvan