Rachid Et-Taibi
  • Maa: Belgium
  • Number of Titles: 1

When people and organizations end up against barriers, the cause is often insecurity. Because of cultural differences or because people do not feel understood.

Rachid Et-Taïbi is an expert in Diversity and Inclusion and thanks to his migration background, he experienced first-hand what inequality does to people. Everyone wants to belong somewhere, and for Rachid, this was not the case for a long time. Nevertheless, he turned out to be a successful entrepreneur. With his extreme drive and iron self-discipline, he found his own way to success.

Today, Rachid helps people and organizations become more self-confident so that they can transcend themselves. He gives them guidance and devises concrete solutions tailored to each challenge, based on his own methodology of pushing back boundaries. Literally and figuratively.

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