Audio Learning

Overcome anxiety

(13 ratings )
15m 36s
Language :  English
In this expert talk, I share top NLP tips and techniques that I use with my clients to help you overcome some of the anxious feelings that you might have.
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When anxiety and panic set in, your brain doesn’t function at its most resourceful state. The flight/fright response kicks in and you feel paralysed and out of control, the more stressed and reactive you begin to feel. The problem with waiting to address the problem means that the more you overthink it, the more your negative thoughts will spiral out of control and the anxiety/stress increases. I share top NLP tips and techniques that I use with my clients to help you overcome some of the anxious feelings that you might have. Ask yourself what is one small thing I can do to improve my situation today. Working on your daily habits of meditation, breathing and journaling will keep you in the present moment and on track.

About the author

Pinky is a women’s transformational life and business coach working with ambitious career driven women and entrepreneurs across the UK and globe. She is passionate about helping her clients become empowered to achieve personal and professional goals with purpose, drive and vision. She will help you create your killer mindset that dismisses your inner critic and overcome imposter syndrome to put you on the right track for professional and personal success. She is a master practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) trained with the co-founder Richard Bandler and qualified with Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) in coaching and mentoring.

About the Author

Pinky Ghadiali