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Object Oriented Programming using C#

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Language :  English
This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and through the use of small exercises, for which feedback is provided, develop some practical skills as well.
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This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and, through the use of small exercises for which feedback is provided, develop practical skills as well.This, the second edition of this book, demonstrates:
  • How to apply Polymorphism and the SOLID design principles to create effective and robust Object Oriented systems.
  •  Why agile software engineering methods (e.g. Scrum, XP and TDD) are now preferred over older methods.
  • How Object Orientated design supports the use of modern agile software development methods.
At the end of the book one larger case study will be used to illustrate the application of the techniques. This will culminate in the development of a complete C# program which can be downloaded with this book.Topics covered include: Abstraction, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design, The Unified Modelling Language (UML), Agile Programming and Test Driven Development
  1. An Introduction to Object Orientated Programming   
  2. The Unified Modelling Language (UML)   
  3. Inheritance and Method Overriding 
  4. Object Roles and the Importance of Polymorphism 
  5. Using Polymorphism Effectively 
  6. Overloading Methods 
  7. Object Oriented Software Analysis and Design 
  8. Introducing the SOLID Design Principles   
  9. Generic Collections and Serialization   
  10. C# Development Tools 
  11. Creating and Using Customised Exceptions   
  12. Agile Programming   
  13. Checking Your Understanding   
  14. Case Study 
  15. Finally… 
I'm new in lecturing the object oriented concept. I read other references about this course but I think that this textbook is very good and useful. This is my idea not only as a lecturer but also as a senior C#.Net developer with 10 years of experience. Thanks a lot to Dr Simon Kendal Et Al for distributing this book. With best wishes...
A fantastic book.. thanks a million to the writer and for uploading of book :)
Awesome, simple and straight forward. The examples and the exercises are great.
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About the Author

Simon Kendal