Audio Learning

Negotations: For Purchasing Department

The best deal may be the worst deal. Be a superstar pro!

27m 34s
Language :  English
A master-class in negotiations for purchasing pros. from Steven J. Manning & Nathaniel Schooler! Purchasing: what, for, why, when, how. Selecting the best vendors. Buying strategies & pricing methods.
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Steven J. Manning and Nathaniel Schooler give you hard hard-core facts and directions you can make use of starting today, to make you a much more successful purchasing professional. And how to leverage those skills to fit into the greater scheme of your department and the entire company. Wall-to-wall “how to” packed expert talk on purchasing methods – what, when, for who, why from who and how - and philosophies. More on value vs. price, professional and personal approach to selection and nurturing of critical vendors. And much more! This is a must!

About the Authors

Steven J. Manning


Nat Schooler