Johann Botha
  • Maa: South Africa
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Johann focuses on digital transformation, business agility, service management, governance, and cybersecurity.
The official EXIN Agile Scrum Master and Product Owner book and a dozen other books were authored or co-authored by him. He is a Lead Author of VeriSM™ and Architect of the Agile ADapT™ digital transformation method.
Johann cut his teeth in the IT industry in the mid-'80s, holding leadership positions in organizations the following two decades before focusing on consulting and teaching. He lectures part-time at Nelson Mandela University.
He received an itSMF Lifetime Achievement Award in 2014 and was selected a Top-25 Industry Though-Leader by HDI in 2021.

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