João Muniz
  • Maa: Brazil
  • Number of Titles: 1

João Muniz is passionate about technology and innovation. He believes that adaptability is the key word these days.
Professional with more than 15 years of experience in IT as a software developer, system analyst and, for a few years now, as a Scrum Master.
With an academic background in IT, specialization in Software Engineering and an MBA in Business Process Management. In recent years, João has dedicated himself to deepening his knowledge of Agile. Getting certifications like Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) from, Kanban System Design (KMP I) from Kanban University and SAFe Agilist from Scale Agile. It has been experiencing and contributing to the digital transformation movement of a large organization in Latin America. Opportunity that became a school in learning and practice in the use of methodologies, techniques and tools.
Many of the examples used in this book are the result of personal and professional experiences. He believes that care and tact with people should be a latent concern in any environment.
Married and the father of a beautiful boy, he lives in Brazil. Outside of professional interests, João is a big football fan and supporter of Cruzeiro. Passionate about sports, he does not fail to follow Formula 1, Volleyball and the NFL. As a convinced nerd, he is a fan of J. R. R. Tolkien and Bernard Cornwell. He has a passion for experiencing new cultures and loves to travel.

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