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Java 20: About the system development process

Software Development

Language :  English
It is the last book in this series of books on software development in Java.
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It is the last book in this series of books on software development in Java. The book deals with the system development process and gives a short description of some development methods like Unified Process and SCRUM. The book also mention other development subjects like Extreme Programming, Test-driven development and refactoring, and the book ends with a larger example.

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  • Foreword 
  1. Introduction
  2. System development methods 
    1. Code and test 
    2. The waterfall model 
    3. Unified Process 
    4. SCRUM 
    5. Extreme Programming 
  3. Test-Driven Development 
  4. Design patterns 
  5. Refactoring and other 
    1. Refactoring 
    2. Log files 
  6. Poker 
    1. Vision
    2. Analysis of poker
    3. The process 
    4. Iteration 1
    5. Iteration 2 
    6. Iteration 3
    7. Iteration 4
    8. Iteration 5
    9. Iteration 6 
    10. Iteration 7
    11. Iteration 8 
    12. Iteration 9 
About the Author

Poul Klausen