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Java 19: More algorithms and data structures

Software Development

Language :  English
The book focuses on algorithms written in Java and presents several classic algorithms.
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The book focus on algorithm paradigms including classic algorithms written in Java. Several data structures are described and implemented, including red-black binary tree, B-tree and B+ tree. A part of the book deals with graphs and classic graph.

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  • Foreword 
  1. Introduction 
  2. Greedy algorithms 
    1. The load problem 
    2. Exercise 1: The load problem 
    3. Huffman codes 
  3. Divide and conquer 
    1. Closest-Points problem 
    2. Problem 1: Implement the clocest-points problem 
    3. Tower of Hanoi 
  4. Dynamic programming 
    1. The primes 
    2. The 0/1 Knapsack problem 
    3. Exercise 2: The KnapsackProgram 
  5. Backtracking 
    1. Exercise 3: EightQueens, all solutions 
    2. Permutations
    3. A DisjointSet 
    4. A maze 
  6. Other algorithms 
    1. Brute force algorithms 
    2. Randomized algorithms 
    3. Sudoku 
  7. More about trees 
    1. 2-3-4 tress 
    2. Red-black tress 
    3. Exercise 4: Test red-black tree 
    4. General trees 
    5. Exercice 5: Test a general tree
    6. A search tree 
    7. B trees 
    8. Exercise 6: Test BTree 
    9. B+ trees 
    10. Exercise 7: Test BTree2
  8. Graphs 
    1. Implementing graphs 
    2. Exercise 8: Build a graph 
    3. Problem 2: A dense graph 
    4. GraphTools 
    5. Traversing a graph 
    6. Exercise 9: Traverse a graph
    7. Shortest path 
    8. Exercise 10: Shortest paths 
    9. Topological sort 
    10. Exercise 11: GraphTester5 
    11. Minimum spanning tree 
    12. Exercise 12: Prim’s algorithms
  9. Traveling salesman problem 
    1. More on graphs
    2. More on complexities 
    3. TSP algorithms
    4. Nearest-Neighbor 
  10. Final example: ActivityPlanner 
    1. Task description
    2. Analysis 
    3. The user interface 
    4. Design 
    5. Programmering 
About the Author

Poul Klausen