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Introduction to Scientific Research Projects

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Language :  English
Introduction to Scientific Research Projects is a concise introduction to the undergraduate scientific research project.
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Introduction to Scientific Research Projects is a concise introduction to the undergraduate scientific research project. It is primarily aimed at undergraduate students reading medicine, nursing and midwifery and subjects allied to health such as Biomedical Science who will be expected to undertake some kind of research project as part of their degree. Exploring the different types of projects, and individual components of dissemination (poster, oral, viva, and thesis), by using tips, example boxes, and analogies, it makes an easy and enjoyable read for both students and supervisors alike.

This book is primarily aimed at undergraduate students undertaking scientific research projects as part of a programme in medicine, nursing and midwifery, subjects allied to health and biological sciences, although it is generally applicable to all project work. It will also be useful to professionals undergoing continuing professional development (CPD) or changing to study at MSc masters level and who need revision on scientific research methods. Since the book uses “example boxes” to explain complex terms in lay language, it should also be accessible to patients and people with a non-clinical background but an interest in the subject.

As this book is an introduction to the area, you may be inspired for, or want, further training and reading. There are many excellent resources within institutes and online, too many to list here, although I would recommend starting with your own institutes’ library, support or academic teams for further information.

  1. What is an undergraduate scientific research project?
    1. How is it different to other types of assessment?
    2. How is different to other types of research projects?
    3. What types of research projects are there?
    4. What project will best fit my personality?
    5. What will I be expected to do and learn?
    6. Summary
  2. Choosing your project, hopes and expectations
    1. When to chose your project
    2. Hopes
    3. Expectations
    4. Summary
  3. Planning your project
    1. Time management
    2. Student supervisor responsibility
    3. Research personnel
    4. Etiquette and survival tips
    5. Staying alive and not being sent to prison (safety and ethics)
    6. Plagiarism and academic offences
    7. Summary
  4. Critiquing existing research
    1. Choosing a paper to review
    2. Writing the critique
    3. Critiquing a research grant
  5. Experimental design
    1. Planning the experiment
    2. Controls
    3. Performance, feedback, revision
    4. Summary
  6. The scientific poster presentation
  7. The scientific oral presentation
    1. Constructing the presentation
    2. Navigating the session
    3. Viva Voce
    4. Summary
  8. The thesis and scientifi c writing
    1. Preparation
    2. The thesis sections in more detail
    3. Summary
  9. Summary
Great book - easy to read
Very helpful to students doing their research projects.
This is a good guide to be used even as a manual when conceiving and designing research projects.
All the fundamentals of research, doing research and presentation rolled into one. Great guide. This helped me monitor the status of my research project, including developments needed to meet desired goals.
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About the Author

Dr. Graham Basten