Hanane Anoua
  • Maa: Morocco
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Hanane Anoua is an international consultant, key note speaker, lecturer, certified professional coach in soft skills and a senior expert in empowerment for political leaders in Morocco. After more than 10 years in different leadership positions in the corporate world, Hanane Anoua redirected her path into a career of inspiring and empowering others. Her workshops and classes are designed to conciliate between personal and professional growth, overcoming personal limiting beliefs and embracing change and continuous-improvement. Hanane Anoua is also the founder of Learn and Dare, specialized in coaching and self-fulfilment, and the author of different articles in leadership, personal branding and personal growth. My vision is to inspire, transform talents, and spread optimism, all over the world. I strongly believe that everyone can be successful as long as we are optimistic and committed.

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