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Foundations of mechanics of materials: Part 1

Language :  English
This short course is intended as the small addendum to the imposing size classical books on the mechanics of materials.
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The presented short course is intended as the small addendum to the imposing size classical books on the mechanics of materials. The foundations of the nonlinear, linearized, and linear theories of elasticity, as well as the strength of materials, are offered. The chapters give in brief terms the information on fundamentals of mechanics of materials and have for an object to help him to systemize of his knowledge in the area of modern mechanics of materials, to understand the common background and interdependence of models and theories of the modern mechanics of materials.

About the Author

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Rushchitsky Jeremiah is working in mechanics of materials. He is head of department at the S.P.Timoshenko Institute of Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv, professor of the Physical-Mathematical Faculty of the Igor Sikorsky National Technical University of Ukraine in Kyiv, Member of the Centre of Micro- and Nanomechanics at the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). Author of 560 scientific publications including 18 books. Member of different international scientific societies.

  • Foreword
  1. Basic information on mechanics
  2. Basic information on mechanics of materials. Theory of elasticity. Short description of linear theory of elasticity
  3. Some additional fundamental facts from the linear theory of elasticity
  4. Short description of nonlinear theory of elasticity. Part 1
  5. Short description of nonlinear theory of elasticity. Part 2
  6. Short description of linearized theory of elasticity
  7. Short description of strength of materials
  8. Focus on composite materials. Different models of elastic deformation
  9. Focus on composite materials. Structural model of elastic mixtures
  10. Focus on new materials Nanomechanics of materials
  11. Focus on new materials. Mechanics of auxetic materials
About the Author

Jeremiah Rushchitsky