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English Legal System and Obligations

Modern Business Law: Parts 1–4

Language :  English
This book deals with the essentials of the English legal system, including the sources of English law and the structure and operations of the judicial system.
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Modern Business Law presents and discusses the essential topics of Business Law in a manner that is easy to follow and understand. It sets out the learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, enabling the reader to have a clear focus. The book provides practice questions to enable readers test their understanding of the key issues as they go along. A summary of the key issues at the end of each chapter enables a consolidation of knowledge and understanding, while providing a tool for a quick overview of each topic.

Book 1 deals with the essentials of the English legal system, including the sources of English law and the structure and operations of the judicial system. It also deals with the law relating to obligations in the context of contracts, torts and employments.

Book 2 deals with the law governing the establishment, operation and regulation of partnerships and companies, as well as the law governing the creation and operation of agency relationships.

  1. Introduction To The English Legal System
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Meaning of Law
    4. The Constitution
    5. Separation of Powers
    6. The Rule of Law
    7. The UK Constitution
    8. Sovereignty of Parliament
    9. Classifications of Law
    10. Evidence
    11. Appeals
    12. Judicial Review
    13. Who can Sue or be Sued
    14. Parties to a Legal Action
    15. Law Reports
    16. Chapter Summary
    17. Practice Questions
  2. Sources Of English Law
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Common Law
    4. Judicial Precedent or Case Law
    5. Equity
    6. Legislation or Statute
    7. Delegated or Secondary Legislation
    8. European Union Law
    9. Chapter Summary
    10. Practice Questions
  3. Interpretation Of Statutes
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. General Approach to Statutory Interpretation
    4. The Literal Rule
    5. The Golden Rule
    6. The Mischief Rule
    7. The Purposive Rule
    8. Other Rules of and Aids to Interpretation
    9. Presumptions Relating to Statutes
    10. Chapter Summary
    11. Practice Questions
  4. The Court System
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Tribunals
    4. Magistrates’ Courts
    5. County Courts
    6. Crown Court
    7. High Court
    8. Court of Appeal
    9. Supreme Court
    10. Court of Justice of the European Union
    11. The European Court of Human Rights
    12. Chapter Summary
    13. Practice Questions
  5. Formation Of Contracts
    1. Introduction to Contract Law
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Meaning of Contract
    4. Formation of Contract
    5. Offer
    6. Acceptance
    7. Consideration
    8. Intention to Create Legal Relations
    9. Relevant Form
    10. Privity of Contracts
    11. Chapter Summary
    12. Practice Questions
  6. Contract Terms
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Express Terms
    4. Implied Terms
    5. Nature of Terms
    6. Exclusion or Limitation Terms
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Practice Questions
  7. Discharge Of Contract
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Discharge by Performance
    4. Discharge by Agreement
    5. Discharge by Frustration
    6. Discharge by Breach
    7. Remedies for Breach of Contract
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Practice Questions
  8. Vitiation Of Contracts Misrepresentation, Duress And Undue Inlfuence
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Misrepresentation
    4. Duress
    5. Undue Influence
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Practice Questions
  9. Vitiation of Contract Mistake, Illegality And Incapacity
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Mistake
    4. Illegality
    5. Incapacity
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Practice Questions
  10. Negligence
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Meaning of Negligence
    4. Conditions for Negligence Liability
    5. Proof of Breach of Duty
    6. Factual Causation
    7. Legal Causation
    8. Negligence Defences
    9. Chapter Summary
    10. Practice Questions
  11. Negligence: Special Duty Situations
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Emergency Services and Public Bodies
    4. Pure Economic Loss
    5. Psychiatric Injury
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Practice Questions
  12. Occupiers’ Liability
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Meaning of Premises
    4. Meaning of Occupier
    5. Meaning of Visitors
    6. Duty to Visitors
    7. Non-Visitors
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Practice Questions
  13. Nuisances
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Private Nuisance
    4. Public Nuisance
    5. Remedies in Nuisance
    6. Defences for Nuisance
    7. The Defendants in Private and Public Nuisance
    8. Statutory Nuisance
    9. Chapter Summary
    10. Practice Questions
  14. Liability For Harmful Escapes
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. The Tort: The Rule in Rylands v Fletcher
    4. Right of Action
    5. The Proper Defendant
    6. Recoverable Damages
    7. Defences
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Practice Questions
  15. Economic Torts
    1. Introduction to Economic Torts
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Inducing Breach of Contract
    4. Causing Loss by Unlawful Means
    5. Unlawful Means Conspiracy
    6. Lawful Means Conspiracy
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Practice Questions
  16. Employment Law: Types Of Employment
    1. introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Types of Employment
    4. Determination of type of contract
    5. Differences in the Treatment of Employees and Independent Contractors
    6. Vicarious Liability
    7. Form and Particulars of Employment Contract
    8. Duties of the Employer
    9. Duties of the Employee
    10. Workers
    11. Chapter Summary
    12. Practice Questions
  17. Employment Contract: Termination And Remedies
    1. Introduction
    2. Learning Objectives
    3. Termination by Notice
    4. Termination by Summary Dismissal
    5. Unfair Dismissal
    6. Constructive Dismissal
    7. Redundancy
    8. Termination by Agreement
    9. Termination by Frustration
    10. Remedies for Breach of Employment Contract
    11. Chapter Summary
    12. Practice Questions
About the Author

Lawrence Emeka Modeme